Chindit Awards - Distinguished Conduct Medal

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Sergeant Alhassan Geiri DCM

[Transcript of Recommendation of Award]

Distinguished Conduct Medal - Chindits Awards


3 West African Inf


3 Ind


7 Bn The Nigeria Regt.

Date of

23 August 1944

Regtl. No.

N.A. 26389

Rank and Name

Sergeant Alhassan Geiri

Action for which recommended -

On the 17 Jun 44 at NSUN following an ambush in which the C.O. of the Bn himself was wounded and the only other Offr immediately present killed,  Sgt Alhassan Geirin was the next senior present. With great presence of mind he immediately rallied the escorting force of 2 secs, who had all taken cover on being ambushed and became somewhat split up, and personally led an attack against the enemy posn to his front with such determination and effect that the enemy estimated by him at probably one section was routed and fled in disorder into the bush. The enemy had one automatic with which he opened the ambush at very short range.

In two subsequent actions against the enemy, one on Jul 4 in an attack against an enemy dug in post on a narrow ridge at NDAOGAHTAWNG in which the enemy was ejected, and two days later when his pl was in a defensive posn and successfully beat off a most determined enemy attack by a superior force, this N.C.Os personal courage was again outstanding. Where the fight was thickest he was to be found moving fearlessly about giving encouragement to his secs.

Recommended By

(Signed) A.H.Gillmore

Honour or Reward

Distinguished Conduct Medal

Signed By

W. Lentaigne, Major General
Comd Special Force

G. Giffard, General
C-in-C 11 Army Group

(London Gazette 26.04.45)
