Chindit Awards - Military Medal

HomeMilitary AwardsAwardeesMM

Corporal Adamu Bauchi MM

[Transcript of Recommendation of Award]

Military Medal - Chindits Awards


3 West African Infantry


3 Ind


7 Battalion The Nigeria Regiment

Date of

21 August 1944

Regtl. No.

NA 39006

Rank and Name

Corporal Adamu Bauchi

Action for which recommended -

This African NCO has on all occasions shown courage, initiative and level headedness of a high order. His Section, owing to his powers of leadership and control, is one of the best in the Coln.

On 17 Apr 44, South of MAWLU, by holding his fire until the last possible moment he made sure of a PIAT hit on the first enemy vehicle during a Coln ambush, and admirably controlled the fire of his section in this his first engagement.

At YWATHIT on 1 May 44 his Section under heavy fire penetrated further into the enemy defences than any other Section in either Coln. Cpl ADAMU BAUCHI again showed himself completely unruffled and competent in trying circumstances.

On 30 June 44, Cpl ADAMU BAUCHI's Section was in ambush on an enemy telephone wire, when 20 enemy came up from an unexpected direction. He himself accounted for 4 or 5 of them with his carbine, and by his example steadied the Section.

On all other occasions the quiet capable and courageous leadership of this NCO has been of the greatest value to his Platoon Comd.

Recommended By

(Signed) A.H.Gillmore

Honour or Reward

Military Medal

Signed By

W. Lentaigne, Major General
Comd Special Force

G. Giffard, General
C-in-C 11 Army Group

(London Gazette 26.04.45)
