Chindit Awards - Military Medal

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Company Sergeant Major A. Kitt MM

[Transcript of Recommendation of Award]

Military Medal - Chindits Awards


3rd West African


3rd Indian


Wiltshire Regiment attached 7th Bn The Nigerai Regiment

Date of

2nd May 1944

Regtl. No.


Rank and Name

WOII CSM Alfred Kitt

Action for which recommended -

This European Sgt. Major volunteered to proceed on several standing night patrols well outside the perimeter during period 17th to 22nd May.

During one of these himself and two Africans disposed of three Japanese and two more next morning without loss.

On the night of the M.T. Ambush on April 16th Sgt. Major Kitt was again on patrol, but next morning our Platoon mopping up, passed his position and he at once volunteered to take part, accounting with his party for further Japanese.

His spirit in action is always excellent setting a fine example to all Africans.

(Signed) C.P.Vaughan, Lt.Col.
Comd. 7 N.R.

(Signed) A.H.Gillmore

Recommended By

Major C.C.A.Carfrae,
Comd. 29 Coln.

Honour or Reward

Military Medal

Signed By

W. Lentaigne, Major General
Comd. 3 Ind.Div.

G. Giffard, General
C-in-C 11 Army Group

(London Gazette 26.04.45)
